INTEGR8ART Sampler Mini Course (6-8): Unleash Creativity and Deepen Learning Through Arts Integration

Welcome to the INTEGR8ART Sampler Mini Course, a glimpse into the transformative power of arts integration for grades 6-8.

Why Arts Integration Matters:

  • Empower Student Voice: Arts integration provides a platform for self-expression, allowing students to share their unique perspectives and ideas.

  • Real-World Connections: Integrating art helps students see the relevance of their learning to real-world issues,sparking deeper engagement.

  • Preparation for the Future: Arts integration fosters creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration – essential skills for success in the 21st-century workforce.

  • Academic Achievement: Research shows that arts integration can lead to improved academic performance across all subjects.

What to Expect in this Mini Course:

  • A Taste of INTEGR8ART: Experience our innovative teaching style and explore ways to seamlessly weave art into core subjects at the 6-8 grade level.

  • Engaging Strategies: Discover new methods that tap into the unique needs and interests of middle school learners,making your lessons more relevant and captivating.

  • Relevant Resources: Gain valuable lesson plans, activities, and assessments that you can immediately adapt to your classroom.

  • A New Lens: See your curriculum through a fresh lens, and discover the endless possibilities that arts integration offers for transforming your teaching practice.

Join us on this exciting adventure!

Together, we'll revolutionize your teaching practice and empower your students to become lifelong learners who embrace creativity and innovation.

We hope this sampler course ignites your passion for arts integration and empowers you to create a more dynamic, engaging, and effective learning environment for your students. Experience the difference art can make in your classroom.