INTEGR8ART Sampler Mini Course (K-2): A Taste of Art-Infused Learning

Welcome to the INTEGR8ART Sampler Mini Course, a glimpse into the transformative power of arts integration for K-2 classrooms.

Why Arts Integration Matters:

  • Captivated Students: Research shows that arts integration boosts student engagement, keeping them eager to learn.

  • Improved Focus: Students' attention spans naturally lengthen when they're actively involved in creative learning experiences.

  • Increased Attendance: A vibrant, art-infused curriculum makes school a place where students want to be, leading to lower truancy rates.

  • Reaching Every Learner: By integrating visual and kinesthetic elements into your lessons, you'll unlock the full potential of every student, including those who thrive in visual and hands-on learning environments.

What to Expect in this Mini Course:

  • A Taste of INTEGR8ART: Experience our unique teaching style and explore innovative ways to seamlessly weave art into core subjects.

  • Empowerment for Teachers: Discover new methods that cater to visual and kinesthetic learners, making your lessons more engaging and accessible.

  • Practical Tools: Gain valuable resources and strategies that you can immediately implement in your classroom.

  • Inspiration for the Future: Get a taste of how arts integration can transform your teaching practice and empower your students to become lifelong learners who embrace creativity and innovation.

Join us on this exciting adventure!

Together, we'll revolutionize your teaching practice and empower your students to become lifelong learners who embrace creativity and innovation.

We hope this sampler course sparks your curiosity and inspires you to explore the full INTEGR8ART program. Discover how arts integration can revitalize your classroom and ignite a passion for learning in your students.